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"Good financial advice helps you make the most of what you have while creating a comfortable future for you and your family. Good financial advice is also about providing you with the information you need to move in the direction you want to head." We have the confidence and strength to be able to offer our customers with quality products, super customer service and highly competitive rates. We have provides many services include Epp installment plan, personal loan, home loan and apply credit card service. We also needs freelance agents in our fields.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Koperasi Loan bagi permohanan yang ditolak dan bankrupt

 Berita baik bagi bankrupt dan permohonan yang ditolak.

Document yang diperlukan:
1. 1 photostat ic
2. 3 bulan payslip

Hanya kakitangan kerajaan yang layak memohon.
  • Pinjaman maksima sehingga RM200,000
  • Tempoh bayaran balik sehingga 20 tahun
  • Blacklist layak selagi hutang tidak boleh melebihi RM200,000
  • Kadar keuntungan adalah untuk 20 tahun adalah 5.30% setahun
  • Blacklist, bankrupt, criss, ctos dan permohan yang ditolak layak

Langkah pertama  - send latest payslip kepada email ini(elubang@yahoo.com) untuk pengiraan.

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